
Theme Thursday: Rest

Bear still sucks his thumb. We successfully kicked Moose's thumb sucking habit. It was a lot of hard work, rewards and bribing. Thinking it might be Bear's turn to quit. When I was looking at him he seemed so peaceful and sweet; he had his woo-woo, thumb and was quiet with his eyes closed on the couch. The moment lasted long enough for Sharkbait to come hit him with a Star wars toy.
Rest does not happen for long periods at our home anymore. Gone are the days to 2 naps for 2 hours each. Those were the days; what did I ever do with myself.


Unknown September 4, 2008 at 2:11 PM  

Really! I mean I didn't get any more stuff done when I had those long napping days...what did I do?? I guess rest a little myself, although I don't remember it.

I love that is just too sweet and peaceful.

Stacy September 4, 2008 at 4:21 PM  

That is so sweet! I've got my thumbsucker, too. Any advice on helping them kick the habit?

I know about the naps, too. I don't know what I did, but I'd like to find out again. ;)

Anonymous September 4, 2008 at 7:35 PM  

It is so sweet and peaceful. I guess until the toy comes flying. Oh, the thumb sucking. My 7 yo weaned herself off this summer. All by herself.

You commented about my girl sleeping on the floor. It's actually in the computer alcove near their room. They, too, had never slept anywhere except their beds. Until this summer.

Joanna September 11, 2008 at 7:29 PM  

I hear you on the nap thing. Its now called "quiet time" in her room at my house. Great angle on this shot. He's so sweet.

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"Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened." -Cora Harvey Armstrong-


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