
Favorite Things

Chipolte A
Chiplote Chicken Tacos
Giraffe Bag
Giraffe Bag
Sonic- Limeade- light ice
Camera Strap
My New Funky Camera Strap
Zebra Shoes
Zebra Print Shoes

I had a great weekend to enjoy some of my favorite things. This is no comparison to Oprah's Favorite things. But my hour can turn around if you just offer me one of these things.

Yes~ food can be the key to my soul.

I often joke with Commander about quitting our jobs and owning a Chipolte. I would probably weigh 400 lbs and work way too much. And my hidden blessing right now is that the closet one is about 20 minutes away. So I really have to plan to enjoy this treat.

My giraffe print bag was splurge on ebay. I am not a big ebay shopper. But I was looking for a bag, and did not want to spend more than 40.00$ Bingo- here it is.

Sonic Limeade. This has been a love for many many many years. It started in high school when I played competitive softball. My freind and I would get one on our drive to practice. Now a days I look forward to Sonic's Happy Hour. Yes I said Happy Hour. Drinks are 1/2 off between 2-4 every day. Sometimes on the weekends after kids go to quiet time I run over to get my slice of heaven.

My new camera strap. It is made by My Funky Camera. She has some really great designs. They go fast so if you like a certain one- order that day. The next week it may be gone. On the inside of the neck strap is soft fabric.

Bing is a recent found treat. One of my best friends introduced me to this drink. It is an energy drink with a great Black Cherry taste. Caffeine does not effect me like most people. I can drink a Pepsi minutes before going to sleep. Coffee is great but does not wake me up~ I love the warmth and taste of the coffeemate or flavor in it. Bing does not make my heart race or make me wanna clean a each of my home. It is expensive, on a good day with the King Soopers sale it is 3 for 5.00$ Pricey. So I do not indulge in this delicious drink very often.

My zebra print shoes. The flat shoe looked so boring to me. I wanted to spice things up. Maybe it is because there is no girlie in my house. Or just because....
Gotta love Ross or TJ Max- can't remember which one.

What kind of favorites do you have? Maybe I will find a new one.


Andrea October 27, 2008 at 6:29 AM  

What a fun idea! When I have time I'll have to do the same.

I have been thinking of a fun new camera strap. May have to wait a while since the hubby is still miffed I spent what I did on my Jill E camera bag. LOL.

Your shots are very clean. Nice!

Christina October 27, 2008 at 7:44 AM  

You've got good taste - those are some great favorite things! And now I can thank you for giving me a Chipotle craving.....

Stacy October 27, 2008 at 7:59 AM  

I think I discovered a few new favorite things LOL! Love the bag and the shoes - very saucy. :) We don't have any Sonic's in our area or else I would certainly get a limeade - sounds wonderful.

I have been waffling on the camera strap thing. I could make one myself, so it is hard for me to justify buying one - but there are so many pretties on those sites. Maybe that can be on my Christmas list, eh?

Megan October 27, 2008 at 9:20 AM  

am coveting your camera strap. wanted one for my bday, but hubby didn't get around to ordering one (sigh). you have great favs!

Jen October 27, 2008 at 9:30 AM  

I love all of your favorite things. I am more of a cherry limeade girl though!! Thanks for sharing.

Joanna October 27, 2008 at 11:58 AM  

I saw the lemonade shot and thought it was great and then I got to the camera strap and said, "Oooh, look at that snazy thing!" Im gonna have to check out that website. Thanks for sharing your favorites!

carissa... brown eyed fox October 27, 2008 at 7:39 PM  

that flipping zebra shoe... do not turn your back... LOVE them!

i'm going to check on that strap... i bought one on Etsy... was supposed to fit over my canon strap... didn't... i was bummed... the cute strap just sits sadly in a closet! boo

great idea... fav post!

Jaimee October 28, 2008 at 2:28 PM  

I LOVE this post!! I may do this too!

Ok...that camera strap is AWESOME!!! And, what would life be without sonic? My sis lives in LA and she is in major sonic withdrawal until she visits TX...My fav is Diet Coke with Lime...yummy!!

meg duerksen October 30, 2008 at 3:03 PM  

wait a second....are you really ME?!!!

now i am starved fora chipolte soft taco! and it's 30 minutes away!!! no fair. i could go get a limeaid though.

Land of K.A.

Mother May I

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Shutter Sisiters


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"Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened." -Cora Harvey Armstrong-


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