

Instead of cleaning the house, finishing Xmas Shopping, making food of the week, or a million other small things.
I cleaned out every TOY in our house. Getting ready for the new invasion of toys this week. Not only did I clean the toys, I checked all clothing sizes and reorganized all clothes storage. Too small one bin, right size drawer, and next size up different bin. Than a healthy consignment pile and donate pile. It felt good but I was exhausted.
It didn't stop there. After the kids were in bed I went to the toy storage. We rotate out toys, so they don't get tired of all there toys. Wish I could see how other people kept toys in their kids room or somewhere else. I need new ideas. In the toy storage I jsut made sure all toys were grouped in with each other and have an idea of what new bins I will need based on Christmas lists.

One of boys is a sneak. This is the second time I have found food in his room. I worry, why is hiding food, AND when is he getting it. He must be stealth during quiet time, or is he planning it and putting it in pockets before going up stairs. Are bad food habits getting started????
Anyways is was a surprise to find the wrapper stash while bad cleaning this weekend.


We all Wii

Almost everyone I know got a Wii this year.
It has consumed us.
It is fun.
I think it is crazy that a 2 1/2 yo has fun on Mario cCart going the wrong way.
Commander came home early and played Wii minutes upon arrival.


Merry Chirstmas ***Take 2***

The Black and White version is nice, but less festive....


Happy Holiday's



Merry Christmas ***Take 1***


How do you think they get child models just set and look sweet for a photographer? Do you think that they are bribed and with what? Really how were they trained. Maybe they don't ever photograph with their siblings. Maybe the photographer has someone else assisting, place the child, think of details in the shoot, do the lighting. Someday I will have a trained and paid assistant to do all this for me. Than my unpaid helpless husband can get back to his life.




I saw this somewhere on the intrawebs.....
So I decided to make one.
Not the best picture, but love the way it turned out.
Notice there is room for more


Great Way to Start the Day


It was vibrant, striking and ohhhing. My 2yo was the one that pointed it out to the rest of us.
What could be better than your starting your day with this view out your back window and a peppermint mocha coffee (thanks commander for picking up my favorite coffeemate)

Now off to clean up the house for book club tonight.


How we spend our free Time

This is how we spend all of our time lately
For a awhile we only had Wednesday and Sunday
But one practice dropped so now we only spend
4 days a week with FOOTBALL


This is what our future holds.


Walking to the Bus


Some days walking to the BUS is slow and painful to drag everyone there.


And this is what they do when they walk~ I mean RUN home.


Contest Wordsmith


I have been eyeing these products for awhile.
Wish me luck
But enter too

Here the website:

Besides MCP is an awesome site


Pediatricians Bear

At the pediatricians office there sits this over stuffed Bear. It is a greeting to all the children who come for a visit. Well I have a personal beef with stuffed animals. I think they are gross, yucky and full of bahhhh. Don't get me wrong I did have a stuffed bear growing up and still have him in a trunk, and many dolls and other stuffed things. But as an adult, yuck. My boys each have 1 or 2 stuffed animals, mainly from build-a-bear. Cute yes, but still.
When I work, kids are always coming out of surgery with their stuffed things. Of course I quickly give them they animal, but I always think how gross they are.
Anyways back to the pediatricians bear. For years I have directed the boys not to touch this gross overstuffed germ filled thing that greets all the sick children. But I am trying to let go of my hesitations and see that the kids really want to hug and love this thing. It gives them a smile both on the way in and way out of the office.



Consignment Sale



Run Away

75% of the time when I am taking pictures of the boys, they are running away from me. I try to get their attention, but often this is what I get.
But I want to see their faces................


Sunday Night Fun

We have played co-ed softball on Sunday Nights for about 4 years.
I grew up playing competitive fast pitch softball.
He played little league baseball and was more of a football player.

I have enjoyed having this as our something.
We are grateful to my parents who watch the three monkeys
every Sunday while we play.

Some years our team is good and some years just OK

After each game the boys all run the bases

I play in-feild and he plays outfield. It's nice for both of us to have our competive outlet.
But really it is just Sunday Night co-ed Softball........


Changing Table

I see this sign and hope I do not have to look for it again until I have grand kids. Potty training.......
Such joys.........



Sit Together Please

I have been trying for awhile to get the expose in my bathroom right. The lights are far from them, and the tub is in a dark corner. Then of course you have three children who don't really want to sit still for me. The whites are not turning out. So why not run an action to distract the eye.
High ISO, and no flash.

Next I need to start working on my flash exposure. I really need a lot of help with this one. Have a nice speedlight, but unsure of how to manipulate the settings.



Oh how I love these capes
Gram made them and they are so wonderful
Reversible and smooth satin
Inital on each, different lengths
Hours of enjoyment

I just need to figure out how to get them
in focus during the action





This kid LLOVESSSSS motorcycles.
He can spend a day racing one around the house.
He squeals when commander rides home on his motorcycle.




The plan was for a road trip to Mount Rushmore.
Two days prior to leaving we had no clue what route,
what activities, or what the plan was.

Stress~ so many projects hanging over our heads.

Instead we had a stay~cation and wiped out our list:

Caulk the outside of the new sliding glass door
Cut trim boards for inside frame of new sliding glass door
Caulk the trim and door
Paint the trim around door
Install a whole house fan (not a ceiling fan)
Send picture of old sliding door to recycle company
Remove wasp nest from a high peak of the house
Change felt pads on underside of chairs in eating area
Paint kitchen trim around counter tops
Touch up paint all base boards in house
Pour cement pad for shed in back yard
Host dinner for good friends
Buy camera lens
Drive to Boulder to pay lumber yard for sliding glass door
Move some furniture around
Organize school supplies
Pack donation and take away
Some odd returns
Organize and edit pictures from past 2 months
Get new book for book club
Grocery shop twice
Found out Shag's crib was recalled
Assembled Shag's BIG BOY bed
Build Lego star destroyer

Just to name a few.......


We are gonna need a vacation from our stay~cation



What better way to learn to slide for T-Ball.

But it always make me think of this song:

When you're sliding into first
And your pants begin to burst
That's diarrhea, diarrhea

When you're sliding into two
And your pants are filled with goo
That's diarrhea, diarrhea

When you're sliding into third
And you feel a greasy turd
That's diarrhea, diarrhea

When you're sliding into home
And your pants are filled with foam
That's diarrhea, diarrhea

Name that movie?


T-Ball Season is Over

I wish that my close friends and I could have our kids in every sport together. I looked forward to going to practice twice a week and the games on Friday. Even though it was 90 degrees out with no clouds and I would often forget chairs. It was nice to sit and talk for 45 minutes so many times a week during practice.
So cute here, but not really into it this year.
Would rather play with the grass.
Totally into it and knew what all the kids should of have done.



First camping venture. Such highs and lows.
show up to light drizzle,
fresh air,
nice camping spot next to lake,
water skiing,
one kids vomits,
luckily there are showers facilities,
good dinner,
wind and rain,
no one sleeps well,
great breakfast,
water skiing,
small hike,
no one eats dinner,
camp fire,
lots of whining,
conversation with good friends,
no one sleeps,
diarrhea at 4am for another kid,
no one eats breakfast,
water skiing,
I thought it went well.



Our good friends bought a boat this year. Her and I grew up water skiing with her dad's boat. It was really fun, some of my best memories. I was not sure how 5 kids and 4 adults would do on a boat for the day, but it was great.
Like we were reliving the good old days. But than later she showed up us all how easy it was for her to pick up skiing again.
Moose loved every minute of this day. He keeps asking when we are buying a boat. Commander keeps saying some of the best days of your life are the day you buy and boat and the day you sell your boat. He of course can not appreciate this.
The lake had a small beach. Kids enjoyed some sand, building and playing in the water.
I think you have to be really tired to sleep on a boat. A short cat nap and he was ready to go again. It was really fun. We all enjoyed ourselves.



This is what commander would really like to do EVERY weekend.
It called Action Pistol Shooting. He is getting really good. Has won a couple of trophies.


Skate Park

We drove by the skate park a few days prior. The boys seemed interested.
So I made a deal. First we ran a few errands and than to the skate park.

When we showed up, there was another first timer just starting. So that made it nice.
I think it helped the boys. Some of the other kids were really experienced.

The boys took to it so well.

Even my 2yo wanted to do it. I think he LOVED it.
NOW they are begging to go back all the time.

Land of K.A.

Mother May I

red BSM button

Shutter Sisiters


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"Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened." -Cora Harvey Armstrong-


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