

Three Adult and Five Kids. Out numbered we were. But what a great afternoon. Spur of the moment, one of my best friends and I decided to take the kids for a hike. And I was thrilled that Commander wanted to join us. Only twenty minutes from home and we were surrounded by beauty. Commander and I were worried that Bear would not make it up the trail, and we would be carrying two of our three children. After about 20 minutes of straight up a rock hill, we were all questioning to turn back or not. Bear was one of the leaders and never wanting to stop. Why were we worried- his center of gravity was the lowest of the group~ he just scampered up to the top. I was happy we decided to forge ahead. Lunch at the top was peaceful, and it was nice to get Sharkbait out of the carrier. He was hard to just let walk around- just due to no solid flat ground and pine needles or sharp rocks every where. The trail down was smoother. We got a glimpse of what the future~ enjoying afternoons with our kids. There was little whining and tons of great conversation afterwards. We are hoping to take the older boys camping in a month, I only hope it goes as smooth as this.


Land of K.A.

Mother May I

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"Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened." -Cora Harvey Armstrong-



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