
A flyer was put in our door for the two neighborhood girls to rake the leaves and make 5$ per yard.


That gave these three the idea to offer it at a lower cost. Than to take it one step father, they knocked on doors and with their cute little faces told the home owner only 3$ for your front yard.


They ended up doing about 4 houses and by the end, you could tell it did not matter about the money. My boys where having so much fun. Moose actually ran by me and threw his dollar at me to take home and I commented that it might be mine now and he said "ok mom".

happy monday..........................


connie November 8, 2010 at 10:12 AM  

How cool!!! You have a couple of little entrepreneurs! Have a good one.

Anonymous November 12, 2010 at 6:44 AM  

It's so amazing to come here after a bit and see how the boys have grown.:) I just love your photographs and I'm sorry I haven't been to visit in awhile.
I'd say these guys are adding some competition to the neighborhood and what entrepeneurial spirits they have!

Land of K.A.

Mother May I

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Shutter Sisiters


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"Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened." -Cora Harvey Armstrong-


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