

I have started thinking about Xmas cards. I think that Superhero's is must. But the saying is what is tripping me up this year.


A flyer was put in our door for the two neighborhood girls to rake the leaves and make 5$ per yard.


That gave these three the idea to offer it at a lower cost. Than to take it one step father, they knocked on doors and with their cute little faces told the home owner only 3$ for your front yard.


They ended up doing about 4 houses and by the end, you could tell it did not matter about the money. My boys where having so much fun. Moose actually ran by me and threw his dollar at me to take home and I commented that it might be mine now and he said "ok mom".

happy monday..........................


Change is GOOD

I have been wanting to do this FOREVER and finally did.
I needed help, this was a BIG project. Recently (at least a year ago) my mother-in-law painted her kitchen cabinets. I knew I could do it with a little help. We knocked them out in about a week. Thank goodness, if I would of had to do them myself it would have taken me a month or more and it would of been torture on my family.





Started in the garage so I would not disrupt the house, but the cold weather forced us to reset up in the living room.





They are brighter and better than I could have imagined. I love them. Still tryingt o decorate, but loving the new cream cabinets. Now when do you think I can get new floors. If I am anything like my mother there is always a project in the wings.

And yes the S did turn into a 5. It's a number I have come to love.


Weekend FUN

We have dressed up for years so it was fun to. We were honorable mention at one of the parties and won a 3lb Summer Sausage. I really like summer sausage but I am gonna need help eating this one.


We had two Adult Parties to go to. And I made these... a little on the sweet side.

Commander and I are thankful for both of our parents who watched our kids so we could go out and celebrate.
We ended the weekend with this

Every year we trick or treat with the whole neighborhood. In the picture we are minus 3 of the older girls. So each house we go to 10 kids land at the door yelling "trick or treat". Two of mine went home after a short bit of hitting houses.

Today we are a wreck. Coughs, low grade fevers, and general whinning. And just plain tired..........
Tomorrow is new a day right

Land of K.A.

Mother May I

red BSM button

Shutter Sisiters


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"Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened." -Cora Harvey Armstrong-


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