
Photo bag and Contest

Commander got me this amazing bag.

Epiphanie Bags

It was hard for me decide which one and now I want another one to hold the rest of my gear. I got Ginger (the brown one), and now want the Belle (the teal one). Do think he'll buy me another????

Anyways, Maile Wilson with Relish Portrait Studio in Texas is amazing. She runs a successful photography business, started the Epiphanie Bag Company this past year, and is a frequent contributor to Shutter Sisters. You should hop over to the bag website and enter to win her contest. It's awesome.

Also I saw on DesignAglow they are a fabulous give away.



I LOVE these........


They make me HaPPy..........


eBay for 60.00$

Can you believe that this is sold on eBay for 60.00$


A friend of mine was carrying one of these around all summer. So I searched high and low. On the intrawebs, they are a zillion dollars. But than the day came, she emailed and said the winter ones were in. I ran as fast as I could. And I did not pay a zillion dollars for it. I rarely go to a coffee shop any more, but this I had to have.
This makes me Happy


it is STILL here

Snow is still here. You will notice that one of mine is missing in this picture. He gets cold like me, so he never last very long.




Friday Night Fun

Friday Night Fun


The boys just Love this. They have there own weapon and Commander attacks them all at once. The laughter is fun to hear. I rarely take part. Its better to help the boys attack him.



I have thought about trying to own one of the franchises, but than I realized I would eat out my own profit. Especially with three growing boys and a husband. There is not one really near me, and that might be a good thing. But I find ways to run errands near one whenever possible.

On this day, Commander took me there when I was feeling overwhelmed and it changed my day.



Green Eyes

He tells me all the time that we have the" same green eyes, but I do not have a penis". I just laugh, honest and true. I am glad one of my boys has one of my features. Bear has Commanders deep chocolate eyes, and Moose has cool blue eyes. With his sandy blonde hair he looks like the mail man's kid. But he sure is cute.



little laugh as I walk by

This is how Commander pulled them off of him and hung them up to dry.

Every time I walked by I laughed.



Home Improvements

It's been awhile since we have been there. But doesn't it seem that once you start, you keep going back every day for something on that list.


I am restless in our home currently and wanted change. So I put up rope lights above the kitchen cabinets. I like the look, but now I want some under the cabinets. The lights were easy to put up, but kind of expensive.

Now I just need to change those pictures of vegetables to something else. Any suggestions?

Land of K.A.

Mother May I

red BSM button

Shutter Sisiters


About Me

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"Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened." -Cora Harvey Armstrong-



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