
Moose Go Inside

Global Warning is seriously messing with my lovely pool weather.

It has been cloudy and cold here.
Driving home the boys asked if they could play in the rain. Sure, why not......
A neighbor yells out "Moose Go Inside, there is a TORNADO WARNING"
He comes running back yelling this to me.
I yell at al the kids to
"GET in the BASEMENT............"
In hine sight I heard a faint siren, I thought it was a fire truck in the distance.
Next time I will remember that siren sound.

60 minutes later.......................


Ashley June 9, 2009 at 9:55 PM  

I am like totally HATING this weather...crazy about the Tornado warning, we were headed to the store when our neighbor told us and we drove back into the garage :)

Jen June 10, 2009 at 12:38 PM  

We have had crazy weather here too. We have tornado warnings ALL the time here so we ignore them all of the times. Bad, I know.

Joanna June 10, 2009 at 7:25 PM  

I love how you showed an hour later. We have had rain here since last Saturday. I know how you feel. Sunny skies coming for us this weekend though. I will *poof* some sun your way!

Christina June 10, 2009 at 8:19 PM  

Oh my, isn't weather a fickle thing!? My girl loves dancing in the rain, too.

Maya June 10, 2009 at 9:27 PM  

Love the rain shots! And I think it's hilarious they were playing in the tornado warning! :)

Jaimee June 10, 2009 at 9:52 PM  

We just had a tornado pass through our city tonight! We were outside staring and the weather looking at how cool it was when I started thinking - hmmmm...this looks awfully suspicious - then, bam - crazy weather, looked it up and, yep,tornado right in our neighborhood! Isn't it amazing how fast it comes and goes???

Stacy June 16, 2009 at 8:00 AM  

Love the rain shots, and hope the weather is warming up for you, too. We are under cloudy skies again this week.

jmross June 16, 2009 at 2:30 PM  

We finally got out today...thank goodness. I feel you pain, I had to physically pull the kids off the tramp during several such warnings myself! They love jumping in the rain.

HipMomma July 3, 2009 at 7:25 AM  

I can't imagine living where there are tornado warnings! We are getting no rain and apparently really need it. Oh, and it's consistently over 100 degrees. I think the next time it rains I'll be in it too.

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"Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened." -Cora Harvey Armstrong-



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